no 1 - The Merry Song Book
Little Tots' Records Songs Games Stories for Kiddies
100A - Jack and Jill (Irving Kaufman)
100B - Old King Cole (Ernest Hare)
102A - Rock a bye baby (Jane Bartlett)
102B - Sing a song of Sixpence (Irving Kaufman)
Mary had a little lamb
I had a llittle Doggy
Mother Tabbyskins
Little Bo-peep
Illustrated by Maud Trube
no 7 - The Patriotic Book
Little Tots' Records Songs Games Stories for Kiddies
119A - America (Charles Harrison)
119B - Dixie (Vernon Dalhart)
127A - America the beautiful (Arthur Fields)
127B - Battle hymn of the republic (Vernon Dalhart)
The Star spangled Banner
Columbia, the gem of the Ocean
Yankee Doodle
Hail, Columbia
Illustrated by Maud Trube
no 9 - The Sunshine Book
Little Tots' Records Songs Games Stories for Kiddies
Oh dear what can the matter be
The jolly Miller
Twinkle twinkle little star
Good morning merry sunshine
The house that Jack built
The plough boy in luck
A frog he would a wooing go
The dog and cat
Illustrated by Maud Trube
no 4 - The Story Hour Book
Little Tots' Records Songs Games Stories for Kiddies
109A - Little red riding hood (Jean Alexander & Co)
109B - The Frog Prince (Jean Alexander & Co)
The three bears
Jack and the beanstalk
Tom Thumb
Illustrated by Maud Trube