The Three Bears (A)
Told by Julia Lang (script by Jean Sutcliffe, Music by Roger Fiske)
A Golden Voice Nursery Record Book
early fifties?
Illustrations: Gordon Ransom and Faith Jaques
78 rpm - 7" record
B Henny-Penny (B)
Told by Julia Lang (script by Jean Sutcliffe, Music by Roger Fiske)
A Golden Voice Nursery Record Book early fifties?
Illustrations: Shirley Hughes
78 rpm - 7" record
With special thanks to Jane Southcott for the much appreciated donation of this record
C The Lost Toys (Lost Toys' Concert) (C)
Told by Julia Lang (script by Jean Sutcliffe, Music by Roger Fiske)
A Golden Voice Nursery Record Book early fifties?
Illustrations: John Hanna
78 rpm - 7" record
With special thanks to Jane Southcott for the much appreciated donation of this record
D Cinderella (D)
Told by Julia Lang (script by Rhoda Power, Music by Roger Fiske)
A Golden Voice Nursery Record Book early fifties?
Illustrations: John Hanna
78 rpm - 7" record
With special thanks to Jane Southcott for the much appreciated donation of this record
Jack and the beanstalk (E)
Told by Julia Lang (script by Rhoda Power, Music by Roger Fiske)
A Golden Voice Nursery Record Book early fifties?
Illustrations: Charles Stewart
78 rpm - 7" record
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (F)
Told by Julia Lang (Music by Roger Fiske)
A Golden Voice Nursery Record Book early fifties?
Illustrations: John Hanna
78 rpm - 7" record
With special thanks to Jane Southcott for the much appreciated donation of this record
I love little pussy | Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat | The Story of The London Express (4)
Two songs and a story (story by Julia Lang)
Eileen Browne & George Dixon / Music by Ann Driver
A Golden Voice Listen with Mother Record Book
early fifties?
Illustrations: Unknown
78 rpm - 7" record
See-saw, Margery Daw | The Playing Children (5)
Two songs and a story (story by Julia Lang)
Eileen Browne & George Dixon / Music by Ann Driver
A Golden Voice Listen with Mother Record Book
early fifties?
Illustrations: Unknown
78 rpm - 7" record
Hey Diddle diddle | One, Two, Three, Four | The Pig with a Wig (6)
Two songs and a story (story by Julia Lang)
Eileen Browne & George Dixon / Music by Ann Driver
A Golden Voice Listen with Mother Record Book
early fifties?
Illustrations: Unknown
78 rpm - 7" record
The House That Jack Built (7)
a sung and narrated verse
Marjorie Westbury & Maurice Bevan / Music by Ann Driver
A Golden Voice Listen with Mother Record Book
early fifties?
Illustrations: Carol E. Jeffries
78 rpm - 7" record
Sally Go Round The moon | The farmer (8)
Two songs
Marjorie Westbury & Maurice Bevan / Music by Ann Driver
A Golden Voice Listen with Mother Record Book
early fifties?
Illustrations: Carol E. Jeffries
78 rpm - 7" record
The story of the first christmas (9)
Told by Julia Lang (story by Jean Sutcliffe, Music by Ann Driver)
A Golden Voice Listen with Mother Record Book
early fifties?
Illustrations: Michael Charlton
78 rpm - 7" record
Andy Pandy's Little House (10)
Story with music by Maria Bird | Songs sung by Gladys Whitred
Maria Bird tells the story
A Golden Voice Andy Pandy Record Book
early fifties?
Illustrations: John Hanna
78 rpm - 7" record
Playing with Andy Pandy (11)
Story with music by Maria Bird | Songs sung by Gladys Whitred
Maria Bird tells the story
A Golden Voice Andy Pandy Record Book
early fifties?
Illustrations: John Hanna
78 rpm - 7" record
Andy Pandy's Garden (12)
Story with music by Maria Bird | Songs sung by Gladys Whitred
Maria Bird tells the story
A Golden Voice Andy Pandy Record Book
early fifties?
Illustrations: John Hanna
78 rpm - 7" record
The Golden Voice Record Series
According to the back of one of the "Golden Voice Record Books" there are 18 records, divided in 3 sections:
1 Golden Voice Record Books (A - F)
2 Listen with Mother Record Books (1 - 9)
3 Andy Pandy Record Books (10 - 12)
The Golden Voice Listen with Mother Record Books were "specially written and performed by members of the team who make the BBC's popular 'Listen with Mother' and 'Listen on Saturday' programmes for children under five."

CD with all the tracks that are described on this page (from 15 records) exclusively sold by Minigroove (9 EURO = appr. 6.8 GBP)
01 I love little pussy | Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat
02 The Story of The London Express
03 See-saw, Margery Daw
04 The Story of the Playing Children
05 Hey Diddle diddle | One, Two, Three, Four
06 The story of the Pig with a Wig
07 The House That Jack Built
08 Sally Go Round The moon
09 The farmer
10 The story of the first christmas
11 Andy Pandy's Little House
12 Playing with Andy Pandy
13 Andy Pandy's Garden (A)
14 Andy Pandy's Garden (B)
15 The Three Bears
16 Henny-Penny
17 The Lost Toys
18 Cinderella
19 Jack and the beanstalk
20 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Shipping costs
1 CD = 4,20 EUR (Worldwide in 2018)
2/3 CD's = 7,95 EUR (Worldwide in 2018)
Send an e-mail for more information
to minigroove.peter@gmail.com
About the donator: Jane Southcott
The collection has been generously enlarged by Jane Southcott, who is
President of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Research in Music Education.
For more information about her work click on this link